
The second part of the multi-actor activities planned focuses on the farm and weed management practices implemented in biogeographical regions but is described from the point of view of different types of stakeholders. The aim is to build a multi-actor approach with stakeholders that will be part of the basis in the co-decision of the AS proposed to be used in the next work packages. In-person interviews and workshops with stakeholders, and focus groups with stakeholders will (among others) enable to obtain information about problematic weeds, weed management techniques, etc. The obtained information will be used to co-decide with the stakeholders the best AA to be implemented in WP3 for a specific crop in a specific biogeographic region.
Stakeholders will be engaged in 3 types of activity:
- In-person interview,
- Co-creation and co-validation workshops,
- Focus groups.
The sampling will include a diversity of stakeholders building CLG. They should represent such groups of interests as: farmers, advisors, scientists, industry, policymakers, associations, NGOs, civil society, and other stakeholders which, according to the specificity of the biogeographical region. Stakeholders should represent a broad group of people, the representatives of institution, who are engaged / interested in weed management practices.
12-20 in-person interviews with stakeholders per CLG to be performed. Please ensure an adequate gender balance in the sample.
Contribute and spread with the word among cooperatives and farmers’ associations involved in the recovery of traditional agricultural systems to help us reach our goal.

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