The co-creation workshop organised by our partner, the University of Madeira (UMA), took place on 29 February at the Escola Agrícola de Madeira in the capital city of Funchal.
The co-creation workshop focused on the Perennial Crop Link Group and took place in the unique bioregion to which the island of Madeira belongs, known as the Macaronesian Biogeographic Region.
The workshop started with the reception of the participants, followed by an Secretaria Regional de Agricultura e Ambiente (SRAA) and the Escola Agrícola da Madeira training and the presentation of the AGROSUS project. After these activities, a dynamic survey was made among all the participants and the results of the questionnaires applied were analysed.
The workshop ended with an active discussion between all the participants, which turned out to be a wonderful way of exchanging ideas and identifying future challenges.
Here, you can take a look to some photos taken in the event.