The Baixo Miño Crop Fair, a highly relevant event for the agricultural sector in Galicia- Spain, is organized annually by the Association of Crops of Baixo Miño (ACUBAM). This year, AGROSUS was proudly represented by our coordinator, Adela Sanchez.The fair, held from June 14th to 16th, 2024, in Tomiño, featured a comprehensive agenda of activities. Among the highlights were engaging presentations, including a notable talk on agroecological strategies to prevent spontaneous plants from becoming weeds. Adela Sanchez introduced AGROSUS and the strategies proposed within the framework of our project during the session on Saturday, June 15th.

The event featured various significant activities, including workshops, conferences, and concerts. Among the notable conferences were discussions on the renaturalization of agriculture with new biological phytosanitary products by Nuria Pedrol and soil microbiota for healthy agriculture by Pedro Pablo Gallego, both from our partner Universidade de Vigo.

The fair was also covered by the local media, the coordinator of the project, Adela Sanchez shared valuable insights on agroecological strategies for sustainable weed management during her appearance on “Hoy por Hoy” Baixo Miño radio show. During the session, she talked about how AGROSUS promotes agroecological farming: “Agroecology is a production system that facilitates the transition from conventional agriculture with chemicals to a more organic approach. This transition not only prioritizes environmental sustainability but also emphasizes community inclusion, both ecologically and socially, by creating an agroecosystem. The European Union has recognized agroecological farming as a priority, in alignment with the principles of the green revolution”.

You can watch the full radio show by clicking on this link Hoy por Hoy Baixo Miño 14/06
