AGROSUS will identify appropriate tools and agroecological strategies (AS) to prevent and manage the occurrence of weeds in relevant crops, in conventional, organic and mixed farming

Biogeographic Regions

Discover the eleven biogeographic regions of the European Union and associated countries (Continental–Mediterranean–Atlantic–Macaronesian–Pannonian–Anatolian–Black-Sea–Boreal–Alpine–Steppic– Artic)

Multiactor Approach

The consortium integrates a multi actor approach for farmers’ decision making and for including the different perspectives from stakeholders to decision-makers that regulate and administer policies

Our objectives

Establishment of cultural, mechanical, physical, biological, and biotechnological Agroecological Systems

Technology transfer and training for the prevention and management of weeds

Promote the most appropriate initiatives at the field, administration and regulatory levels

Advanced detection tools

Expand knowledge on problematic weeds on European Agriculture

Over 500 Farmers and Advisors engaged

Around 500 farmers and advisors will be contacted for surveys, workshops and discussion groups

Agroecological strategies

To prevent and manage the occurrence of weeds in relevant crops, in conventional, organic and mixed farming AGROSUS will identify appropriate tools and agroecological strategies  at the eleven biogeographic regions of the European Union and associated countries 

Biogeographical regions

Short term farming systems



Weed Sampling Tutorial

Weed Sampling Tutorial

Welcome to the AGROSUS Weed Sampling Tutorial! This guide will walk you through the essential...

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