Co-creation workshops

The second part of the multi-actor activities planned focuses on the farm and weed management practices implemented in biogeographical regions but is described from the point of view of different types of stakeholders. The aim is to build a multi-actor approach with stakeholders that will be part of the basis in the co-decision of the AS proposed to be used in the next work packages. In-person interviews and workshops with stakeholders, and focus groups with stakeholders will (among others) enable to obtain information about problematic weeds, weed management techniques, etc. The obtained information will be used to co-decide with the stakeholders the best AA to be implemented in WP3 for a specific crop in a specific biogeographic region.
Stakeholders will be engaged in 3 types of activity:
- In-person interview,
- Co-creation and co-validation workshops,
- Focus groups.
The sampling will include a diversity of stakeholders building CLG. They should represent such groups of interests as: farmers, advisors, scientists, industry, policymakers, associations, NGOs, civil society, and other stakeholders which, according to the specificity of the biogeographical region. Stakeholders should represent a broad group of people, the representatives of institution, who are engaged / interested in weed management practices.
30 persons per each CLG will participate in each workshop organized within that CLG. From the total number of stakeholders, about 50% will be farmers and about 50% other types of stakeholders (I.e., advisors, policy-makers, scientists, etc.).

Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Turkey
Date: 12.03.2024
Location: Malatya Turgut Özal University, Malatya, Türkiye.
Region: Black Sea
Crop Link group: Perennial
Partner: MTU
More info and photos from the co-creation workshop

Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Turkey
Date: 06.03.2024
Location: Malatya Turgut Özal University, Malatya, Türkiye.
Region: Anatolian
Crop Link group: Horticultural
Partner: MTU
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Madeira, Portugal
Date: 29.02.2024
Location: Escola Agrícola da Madeira. Auditorio do Ed. do Campo da Barca, Funchal.
Region: Macaronesian
Crop Link group: Perennial
Partner: UMA
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Germany
Date: 27.02.2024
Location: Grarunternehmen Starbach-Sachsen EG farm in Nossen
Region: Continental
Crop Link group: Arable
Partner: ASS
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Galicia, Spain
Date: 21.02.2024
Location: Bodegas Martín Códax in Cambados.
Region: Atlantic
Crop Link group: Perennial
Partner: UVIGO
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Estonia
Date: 20.02.2024
Location: Estonian University of Life Sciences.
Region: Boreal
Crop Link group: Arable
Partner: EMU
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Valencia, Spain
Date: 16.02.2024
Location: Universitat Politècnica de València
Region: Mediterranean
Crop Link group: Arable
Partner: UPV
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Romania
Date: 15.02.2024
Location: Aula of the Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.
Region: Steppic
Crop Link group: Horticultural
Partner: LAPAR
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Mediterranean SHD orchads, Spain
Date: 14.02.2024
Location: FIMA, Zaragoza.
Region: Mediterranean
Crop Link group: Horticultural
Partner: UPCT
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Valencia, Spain
Date: 09.02.2024
Location: Universitat Politècnica de València.
Region: Mediterranean
Crop Link group: Perennial
Partner: UPV
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Iceland
Date: 09.02.2024
Location: Reykjiavík.
Region: Arctic
Crop Link group: Arable & Horticultural
Partner: RML
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Poland
Date: 22.01.2024
Location: University of Agriculture, al. 29 Listopada 54, room 123, Krakow.
Region: Steppic and Continental
Crop Link group: Arable
Partner: UAK
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Hungary
Date: 20.01.2024
Location: CEU, Budapest.
Region: Pannonian
Crop Link group: Arable/Perennial/Horticultural
Partner: SoE
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Ukraine
Date: 20.12.2023
Location: Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University.
Region: Steppic
Crop Link group: Arable
Partner: PNU
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Title: AGROecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in Ukraine
Date: 20.10.2023
Location: Polissia National University, Staryy blvd, 7, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
Region: Continental
Crop Link group: Arable
Partner: PNU
More info and photos from the co-creation workshop