Work Packages
The number of field experiments proposed and unfolding Agricultural Strategies (AS) under multi-actor and multi-disciplinary decision-making approaches need a long time to ensure adequate engagement of all actors.
Thus, the project duration will be 48 months, structured in 7 interrelated Work Packages. 4 technical work packages (2, 3, 4 and 5) will be directly related to the 3 transversal ones (1, 6 and 7).
WP1 – Project Management
This WP describes the project coordination tasks by providing a clear management structure and procedures to ensure the project’s effective management and technical coordination, including meetings, ethics issues, or sex and gender analyses.
WP2 – Building a multi-actor approach for stakeholder´s involvement in co-creation and co-validation
WP2 is focused on the multi-actor approach for co-creation with stakeholders, including local farmer networks and advisors for surveys, focus groups, workshops, discussion groups, etc., in all the biogeographic regions of Europe.
WP3 – Unfolding the potential of agroecological strategies for weed management
AS will be implemented in WP3 after farmers’ and advisors’ surveys to integrate weed management regarding local conditions and to optimize the combination of agronomic levels. WP3 will consider combinations of new and already established AA in ecological and conventional fields to measure the adopted strategies’ short to medium and long-term impacts. The comparison of the conventional synthetic herbicides with the implemented AGROSUS AA will be included in WP3.
WP4 – Evaluation of crop production and quality, soil health and the ecotoxicological effects of weed
WP4 will focus on how the resulting AA improve soil health and biodiversity, and the impact of these strategies on crop production and quality. Potential ecotoxicological effects of different farming systems will also be analysed.
WP5 – Socio-economic and environmental impact assessment of agroecological weed management
WP5 will investigate the economic, environmental, and social effects of the AGROSUS weed management strategies in a systemic way, through life cycle analysis and multi-criteria assessment. AGROSUS will identify important barriers and leverages, and consequently factors that could promote or hinder sustainable weed management adoption.
WP6 – Communication, dissemination, and exploitation of results
WP7 – Ethics requirements
The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.