AGROSUS partners from the Estonian University of Life Sciences had already held the co-creation workshop in their region. The event was organised by Liina Talgre, Merrit Shanskiy, and Merili Toom on February 20. About 30 stakeholders were engaged in the session, including farmers, scientists, and advisors.  

AGROSUS partners presented briefly the project and the objectives and results from the questionnaire surveys for stakeholders, as well as in-person interviews for farmers were explained to the attendees. As a result of the active discussions and working groups about agroecological strategies for sustainable weed management, lots of useful and interesting ideas were obtained.  

Valuable feedback could be extracted from the workshop, resulting in the recognition that Estonian producers have extensive knowledge about their natural environment and they are aware of most used agroecological farming measures and methods (crop rotation, cover crops, harrowing; in Apple orchards mowing is used). In terms of agroecological measures application, results from workshop indicates the lack of equipment and financing (economic and support) as the main challenges to overcome.
