Atlantic region

 The Atlantic Region borders on the North Sea and North-East Atlantic Ocean and includes all of the UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal. Generally, the land has low elevation and is flat, and never more than 300 km from the shore, with winds blowing generally from the West. As a result, it has an oceanic climate with mild winters and cool summers. Moderate rainfall occurs during the whole year. The land was ice-covered until 10.000 years ago, and species diversity is still lower than in other biogeographic regions of Europe, but wildlife is abundant. The land has been drastically modified by humans with forests cleared to make place for farming and large urbanized areas.


Spain - Galicia

Partner responsible: Universidade de Vigo (UVIGO)

Country Leader: Adela M. Sánchez Moreiras


Experimental unit

The experimental fields in NW Spain are located in Galicia and present granite-based soil, or decomposed granite soils, sandy in texture, and poor to very poor water retention, as water and other nutrients quickly drain in granite. The soils are low to moderate acid (pH 5-6), with high contents of organic matter (3-5%). Cationic exchange Capacity generally is below 4-5.

Pedoclimatic conditions

Type of soil: Umbrisols and leptosols (Wheat and potatoe) and granitic origin, most are soil-type Ranker (A/C) (Vineyard)
Mean annual T: 12.3 – 14.7 °C
Mean annual P: 952 – 1615 mm

Key figures

Farming systems: 3 Conventional and 1 mixed 

Crops: Wheat (A), Potato (P), and Vineyard (P)

Crop Link groups:

Co-creation workshops: 2 (1 per CLG)

Co-validation workshops: 4 (2 per CLG)


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