CSIC Researchers Test Robot in UVIGO Vineyards

CSIC Researchers Test Robot in UVIGO Vineyards

Last month, AGROSUS partners from the Centre for Automation and Robotics at CSIC visited the University of Vigo. In this short meeting, they had the opportunity to go the AGROSUS fields from UVIGO and test in-situ their robot in the Atlantic region vineyards. This...
Sneak peek at the soil sampling workshop

Sneak peek at the soil sampling workshop

On the 4th of April the AGROSUS project partners met at the CSIC facilities in Madrid, Spain to hold a workshop given by specialists from the University of Vigo and Polytechnic University of Cartagena.The aim of this internal project workshop was to learn about soil,...
Check the news from the Spanish-Galician workshop

Check the news from the Spanish-Galician workshop

On February 21, Galician partners organised the co-creation workshop on agroecological strategies for sustainable weed management. Adela Sánchez-Moreiras, project coordinator from University of Vigo, was the leader of the session which engaged around 35 stakeholders...
A Collaboration between CSIC, UPV and UVIGO

A Collaboration between CSIC, UPV and UVIGO

Our partners UPV and UVIGO came together for a meeting aimed at testing advanced robotic technologies developed by CSIC at both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean regions. These robots are designed to play a big role in the early detection of weeds across AGROSUS...