Check the news from the Spanish-Galician workshop

Check the news from the Spanish-Galician workshop

On February 21, Galician partners organised the co-creation workshop on agroecological strategies for sustainable weed management. Adela Sánchez-Moreiras, project coordinator from University of Vigo, was the leader of the session which engaged around 35 stakeholders...
The Co-creation Workshop lands in Poland

The Co-creation Workshop lands in Poland

The event took place at the University of Agriculture in Krakow on January 22. The workshop was led by Agnieszka Synowiec and Marta Czekaj. It was attended by 58 participants, including 32 farmers, 13 scientists and 13 advisors (which included agricultural consultants...
A Collaboration between CSIC, UPV and UVIGO

A Collaboration between CSIC, UPV and UVIGO

Our partners UPV and UVIGO came together for a meeting aimed at testing advanced robotic technologies developed by CSIC at both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean regions. These robots are designed to play a big role in the early detection of weeds across AGROSUS...
AGROSUS launch a survey for farmers across the 11 biogeographical regions to select the best agroecological strategies

AGROSUS launch a survey for farmers across the 11 biogeographical regions to select the best agroecological strategies

AGROSUS (AGRoecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in key European crops) is a four-year transdisciplinary research project. The project aims to identify appropriate tools and agroecological strategies to prevent and manage weeds in relevant crops, in...
Insights from Ukraine’s Workshop

Insights from Ukraine’s Workshop

Last October had place a dynamic regional workshop carried out in Ukraine and led by Tetiana Fedoniuk, Country Leader of the Continental region. The workshop witnessed the engagement of diverse experts and stakeholders, including farmers, scientists, government...