European Mission Soil Week

European Mission Soil Week

The European Mission Soil Week will take place in Madrid, Spain on 21-23 November 2023. It will give visibility to the importance of soil protection, restoration and monitoring, and discuss solutions towards more sustainable land management. Under the title...
Agroecology Europe Forum 2023

Agroecology Europe Forum 2023

The 2023 Agroecology Europe Forum is a 3-day in-person event convening 200-300 people from all over Europe for dynamic and interactive dialogues around key European policy issues. Stakeholders and representatives of the agroecological community—farmers, growers, and...
A Collaboration between CSIC, UPV and UVIGO

A Collaboration between CSIC, UPV and UVIGO

Our partners UPV and UVIGO came together for a meeting aimed at testing advanced robotic technologies developed by CSIC at both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean regions. These robots are designed to play a big role in the early detection of weeds across AGROSUS...
AGROSUS launch a survey for farmers across the 11 biogeographical regions to select the best agroecological strategies

AGROSUS launch a survey for farmers across the 11 biogeographical regions to select the best agroecological strategies

AGROSUS (AGRoecological strategies for SUStainable weed management in key European crops) is a four-year transdisciplinary research project. The project aims to identify appropriate tools and agroecological strategies to prevent and manage weeds in relevant crops, in...