AGROSUS coordination team is organising a workshop for harmonising soil sampling within the consortium. As a shown of the efforts from coordinators to achieve high quality results from the project, a side-activity has been planned for all partners participating in AGROSUS soil sampling tasks. Specialists from University of Vigo and Polytechnic University of Cartagena will train all attendees on how to manage soil sampling, from the first step of cutting & extracting, to storing and sending samples to the labs for further analysis.

This half-day internal event is being organised in CSIC partners facilities in Madrid, for ensuring maximizing number of partners attendance and resources. This is just a sample of the commitment from the coordination team to have the most harmonized and comparable set of results from all the 11 EU bioregions participating in the project. The risks and challenges encountered has been wonderfully addressed by coordinators and WP3 leaders which will lead to measurable outcomes.

Audiovisual tutorial of the methodology will be prepared and disseminated through the website for further use and potential synergies for collaboration.
